Lion TV’s producer Feather puts show together

Senior Kyla Feather is currently the producer for Lion TV News and has been in the television production program for the past four years.

“I started taking Mrs.Romey’s classes as a freshman,” Feather said.  “That’s when I had her intro class and since then I’ve been in Lion TV for the last three years.”

Each year she has taken on more responsibility and this year she stepped up to a new role.

“At first I didn’t want to be producer, but I really didn’t have a choice; I was the only one who was in here the longest.” said Feather. “But now I’m in love with it.”

Working on the show takes up quite a bit of time in Feather’s schedule.

“I am in Romey’s class for three hours a day just working on the show,” Feather said.

Feather has to make sure everyone gets their job done along with hers.

 “As producer, I have to know how to line edit the show together,” Feather added.  “I take all the  wraps and take all the stories and make sure the sound levels are right.”

Feather said even with all the time she is in class, it is sometimes difficult to finish everything.

“I have to make sure everyone gets their work done; I have  to do my own stories,” Feather said. “I have to edit the show and make  sure everything looks and sounds right before it airs.”

Some stories and shows never make it to air.

“Sometimes as producer I do have to choose what airs and what doesn’t, like if the story just looks bad or if it isn’t appropriate to show,” Feather said.

Feather added being a producer can have its high points and its low points.

“My favorite part is editing the show,” she said.  “It sounds crazy because it is really difficult, but I just love to do it.”

On the other hand, she doesn’t always like having to talk to everyone.

“I don’t like confronting people or being mean and as producer, sometimes you just have to,” Feather said.

Feather was able to learn from last year’s producers.

“I watched Brandon and Michael last year, and kind of learned what I needed to do,” she said. “I’ve been in here for four years, so it wasn’t too hard. I normally get stuff done in class, but there are times I have to get stories done outside of class, so being producer doesn’t really complicate my free time or social time.”

Much work is put into each show, from the start of finding a story to filming and finally editing. Feather is a big part of all of the process.


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