Sophomore holds great expectations for next year

imageJunior year: college applications, AP classes, ACT testing, stress, stress, stress. While I will not have a pessimistic view on my upcoming year, I am not exactly jumping up and down either. I am taking several AP classes and guitar lessons, not to mention, trying to maintain somewhat of a social life. Nothing out of the ordinary. The minute I walked through the front doors I knew stress would be a major part of my experience here at Searcy high school.  I guess I will start on a positive note, and end with an opposing point.

The highlight of my upcoming junior year would probably be the art class I plan on taking. And while I could go on and on about how I found myself  in art and how I am so overjoyed that I finally found an outlet, I will not I’ve always loved art. My dad has a suitcase full of crayon colored drawings and various stages of my art career since about the time I was five. I’ve won a few art contests and gotten a few awards, in the least to say, I love art. I am excited about next year in particular because I’m moving to a new house, and I plan on doing a mural in my new room. I’ve never attempted a piece this big or important so, I am equally thrilled and petrified at the thought of painting a picture on my wall and having anyone who enters my room see it.  Most people are usually sad when they move, sentiment or whatever, but I am not. I will not go in depth about my glorious childhood, but  I will just say, I am glad to leave the place behind. A new beginning will be nice. Since the Italian culture is by far my favorite, I have decided to do my room in that theme. The mural I plan on doing is a landscape of Vienna, a popular city in Italy. I am also looking forward to being editor to my journalism class next year. I’ve been in the class since my freshman year and I can not wait to help the underclassmen and other kids with their writing. I love writing myself, and think I can help them a lot. I’ve written a couple books I plan on trying to get published this summer, so hopefully I will hear something by next year.


My classes are booked chock full for next year, and I am defienetley not excited about the homework amount I am going to be receiving.  I am only a sophomore, and I am already struck with senoritis. Not to mention next year is when grades actually start to count and then there’s college to think about. I’ve been considering an art school, but I’m not for sure about anything yet. Although, in the opinion of the school and my parents as long as I get a high score on my A.C.T. and a four point zero grade point average, I can go to any school I want to.

Decisions, decisions, decisions… That’s mostly what my junior year will consist of. That and no sleep. But on a positive note I am turning sixteen soon and that means next year I’ll get to drive back and forth from school instead of having to be picked up every day. Which will be a nice change. I also will be applying to my first job, which I’m extremely excited about. I plan on being a waitress at somewhere like Colton’s or Chili’s. I’ve always been a people person and I think I would enjoy getting to make people smile.

I will also finally have seniority next year. I do not think it will be as a big deal as everyone makes it out to be, being able to call myself a junior, but I am excited about finally getting out of the underclassmen pit. Maybe it will gain me some more respect. Overall, I kind of have mixed feelings about  next year. On one hand, I’m excited about getting older and gaining responsibilities, and then on the other hand, I’m also scared out of my wits about the decisions I’ll have to make and the kind of stress that will be put on me. I guess if I had one word to describe how I feel about next year, I would choose, expectation.


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