Social networking can be harmful to your grades

Every day, children, teenagers, and adults alike all log on to their social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. For everything in life, there will always be a positive and negative side. Social Networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter both have many pros and cons. Although the negative sides of these social networking sites effect everyone, I think the negative sides have the most effect on today’s teenagers for many reason.

When teenagers come home from a long day at school, they do not stop and talk to people or watch TV. Instead, they immediately go to their caves, also known as their rooms, and check Twitter or Facebook. They spend hours upon hours in their rooms tweeting and posting statuses, and then they decide to attempt at doing their homework. After many hours on Twitter and Facebook, students are usually too tired to do their homework. They wait until the period before to actually do their homework.

Sometimes, I waste hours at a time on Twitter, and then I barely have enough time to do my homework. There are some nights where I do not finish my homework because I was either watching television or checking Twitter. I, just like many other teenagers, check Twitter and Facebook while doing homework, so the social networking sites take our focus away from our homework and we do not reach our full potential on our homework.

So, social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook can lower your grades in school. You may not think it, but checking Twitter and Facebook for several hours each day is physically demanding. I know I am really tired after spending hours on Twitter, because I have been staring at a computer screen for two solid hours. They rarely tend to talk to their parents, therefore social networking can ruin relationships with parents and siblings.

On the other hand, social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook have a positive side. I think the positive side of these sites have an affect on all ages, and not just teenagers. I am in some clubs here at Searcy High School and I always forget when there are meetings in the morning, but thanks to Twitter I usually remember. Usually, the President of these clubs will tweet about the meeting for everyone to see, and there are usually about ten more people who will tweet and post statuses about it too. Twitter and Facebook also help with keeping up with people.

I know adults that are glad they got Facebook because they are able to keep up with people they went to high school with. These long lost friends can once again reunite with the help of social networking sites such as Facebook. Another  positive of Facebook is people can know find out different things about people they otherwise would not have known.

These are just some of the pros and cons to social networking sites. It is our choice how these pros and cons will affect us.

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