Elections are focusing on topics that don’t matter

Every four years the United States holds the Presidential Election. The U.S. has had fourty-four presidents and each one has had a certain party that they ran with. Some elections have gone as planned, and the popular presidential candidate was elected, but some elections have gone rogue with candidates using propaganda against each other. Elections should not be decided by propaganda, they should be decided by the facts and important events in our nation.

In my opinion, I think that certain elections have tended to get out of hand and candidates have relied heavily on topics that didn’t matter. In other words, each candidate just attacked their opponent’s personality, family, job, and even social status. I feel that because presidential elections are starting to get out of hand there needs to be better regulations on what a candidate can use and what they can’t use. Someone or some political body of the government needs to sit down and come up with a list of regulations that tells a candidate simply what they can and cannot do. Potential candidates should not be able to use families, jobs, or social statuses against their opponents.

Also in my opinion, events in the nation should be a big factor in each party’s campaign. Though most people think that each political election is typical, every political election has it’s own qualities. Like the election during the Great Depression. That had a huge impact on who was elected. Some parties used the depression as a platform by saying that, “If you elect me, I will bring new wealth to this country and help bring our nation out of the depression.” The upcoming election in 2012 can also be based off of events. Events like the plummeting economy and the Wall Street strike. Platforms for 2012 may be for helping the economy by increasing stock investors and helping the people with the Wall Street sit-in.

In today’s world the government is WAY too complex. the presidential election today is not based off of the popular vote. A candidate could win the popular vote but still not receive the nomination of president. In my opinion, the government should let the people decide. After all we are a country based off of the people, right? Each person should get one vote, and the Electoral College should not have the utmost power of being able to decide who will become our president. He is “our” president after all. Every person who is qualified and wants to run for the election should run. Then the nation can vote for which candidate they think is the best. After that, the top three (regardless of party) should have a run off. Then the most popular will become president.

All in all, my opinion is that the presidential election should not be a “popularity contest” as it usually is in high school class elections. The government should use rules and regulations in helping to control each party’s political platform. Candidates should not use propaganda against their opponents, and the election should be based off of current events.

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