Lack of equipment hurts yearbook staff

Searcy High yearbook staff has a very limited amount of computers in relation to how many people are working on the 2012 yearbook.

“We have two computers and 20 people in the room at the same time needing to use it,” Patrick McKenzie said. “We have to do things from Photoshop to our yearbook designer online to word processing and we can’t all do that with just two computers.”

Considering how many people are in yearbook with only two computers, the staff say it is hard to get stories done in a limited amount of time.

“We have maybe five different groups, like clubs, academics, student life, and each group has stories to do,” senior Lupe Casterona said.

McKenzie said the staff has other older computers that originally belonged to Lion TV, but they don’t do much to help because they rarely work.

“We have two that work right. One that kind of works and it’s slow and the other just kinda works on a good day. Occasionally there will be one or two of the small ones that will work,” Mckenzie said.

Adviser, Shannon Holeyfield said they depend on their computers to make a good majority of the yearbook. Having just two computers, slows down the progress but extends the workload.

“Some of the work can be done without using the computers,” Holeyfield said. “We still have to interview people, and that’s all done just by going out and finding those people. Sometimes it’s hard for the kids to actually get together so they write down questions and get them to the people they belong to.”

This on-going problem is a big frustration for most of the students.

“It makes me mad when I come in with a lot of work to do and all the computers are already taken and I can’t do what I need to do,” says McKenzie.

Despite these frustrations, Holeyfield said the yearbook will be published on time this year.


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