A balancing act

Photo on 1-29-16 at 2.55 PMSearcy(LP) There are a lot of troubles of being a kid in school and having a job while in school. Many kids in school get a lot of things from their parents but not in this situation. I interviewed a student on the hard times of having a job while in school.

Leo Martinez, not just your average student, goes to school and around 3:40 he goes to work with the chickens. He works at Calamine, a place where they execute chickens take their eggs and then use them for eggs that get processed to the grocery stores such as Walmart, Cash Savers, and all those good stores. The struggles of having a job could be interfering with your homework and school work.

Leo goes to school and does everything that he needs to do to go home and gets ready for work, gets off then he goes to work. But Leo’s job really isn’t a part-time job, it is a full-time job so that means while he goes to school he can either choose to stay home from school and go to work when his supervisor needs him, or he goes school and just wait until he gets out of school and then he goes to work for a part-time period.

“I would rather go to work then to go to school,” said Martinez.

There were a lot of things that keeps Leo from having fun at school, you see Leo used to be on the wrestling team, but ever since he got this job at Calamine then all that has been cut out. He sometimes has to miss the FCCLA meetings. Leo enjoys having his job, but the reason he keeps this job is because he doesn’t want his parents worrying about paying for him. He is the type of guy that wants to pay for his own stuff fend for himself. All in all, it is best to have your education before anything, but at the same time it is always good to have some money in your pocket, so your parents don’t bug you about it.

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