Becoming More Responsible


Searcy (LP)Entering high school the average individual develops more responsibilities. One of many would get your first job. Jobs can be overwhelming and you may think you can’t handle that type of stress! I am here to let you know that anything is images55possible! Many of the first questions that pop into your head are going to be, “What should I wear?”, “What kind of questions are they going to ask me?” and “What if I get to nervous and choke up, what will I do then?”

No worries though!

Experiencing my first job interview was simpler than a more official job. Second day of being sixteen I was interviewed at McDonald’s where my sister had already been working. She put in a good word for me and even sat with me during my interview. During the interview I got asked the same questions I had already worried about getting asked. I answered them to the best of my ability and wished for the best. That day I realized I needed to know my social security number and a couple more things that comes with “adulting”. I got hired and have been working ever since! I ended up loving my coworkers and they became a second family to me! Never let the nerves over power you into dipping out on a job! Jobs help you for the rest of your life. Also keep in mind that jobs are a lot different than school! 

Now what matters is what you actually achieve. In school, teachers often favor the smartest students and even cut them slack on things like being prepared for class, being respectfulimages54 or working hard. But in the working world, reputations and careers are built on actual work; being smart won’t give you a pass if you miss deadlines, aren’t prepared for meetings or don’t meet your goals.

You can do it!


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