Winter Survival

Searcy (LP)

1: Wear at least four layers of clothing
Warm, breathable, quick-dry thermals and fleeces must be the only type of clothing worn in the Arctic. Your clothing must keep you as warm and as dry as possible. Any excess moisture will freeze instantly.

2. Recognize frostbite
To avoid frostbite varieties, wear mitts rather than gloves and don’t lace your boots too tightly – to ensure blood can flow to your extremities. Nose, cheeks, ears, chin and toes are usually the first parts of the body affected. If your skin turns white or you feel a stinging sensation from an ice-cold breeze, you are likely suffering frostbite.

3: Deter polar bears
Their eyesight isn’t great, so your best move is to deploy bear bangers — bright, loud flares — and activate a shrill personal attack alarm that should frighten your local visitor away. Having a dog is a real help. They can tell if there are bears nearby much sooner than a human and their barking is often enough to put off a bear.

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