Technology Unplugged

Searcy(LP) The new age of technology is here. The people are now obsessed. Many teens cannot go one or two hours without checking their phones. Phones at the dinner table, high tech computers at workplaces, and so much technology around. There are so many choices which is why this world becomes addicted. This society should start to unplug, before the future of technology is created. Sure, computers are great for saving files and folders, but do we need to use them for everything school related? Schools all over the globe use technology. Young children use computers and some even have their own phone. This isn’t necessarily a good thing. Students of schools in the United States have their textbooks online, classes online, and someday we won’t even have to go to school. School will be web-based in approximately ten-thirty years or less. When  local freshman Myah Summerland was interviewed, her opinion was heard clearly.  “I think schools should use less technology. Technology is making us dumber. I don’t like using the internet for tests. Technology is getting smarter and we’re getting dumber. I could live without technology.”     


Many of the elders of this society despise technology, because of the relationship teens have with their technology. They feel that technology is hurting teenagers, because of the way teenagers are becoming obsessed. Technology basically makes adults become less social, even though the idea of social media apps and websites is to get people talking to each other, no matter the age. When Katherine Peters, a freshman at the local high school was interviewed, she claims she wants to use technology a lot less. She states “I use technology on a daily basis. I’m outside a good portion of the day, so I feel like it’s equally balanced between school and home. I probably use my phone for a good solid four hours of the day. For my sake of the future, and not ruining my eyes, I would like to use less technology. It would be difficult, because of school, but I could live the rest of my life without technology”.

Schools are using a lot more technology that anyone recognizes. The internet and technology overall has changed a lot in this past decade. Katherine Peters ponders over this theory.”  I believe schools are using a good amount of technology, but personally, I don’t think it should be full on technology with books on computers just for reading and not writing anything down. I could live the rest of my life without technology. We’re connected, yet disconnected. There’s many computers and phones, just not a lot of socializing.” As many people continue to think this over, they think of all the advantages and disadvantages of the new age of technology. It is greatly needed for many jobs, but it can distract students and adults from work and school. Technology isn’t the worst thing to happen to this society. Technology shouldn’t be the thing to worry over when there is too many problems in the world, such as hunger, poverty, wars, and so much more.


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