How New Students Adjust to their New School

New Students at SHS.

Searcy (LP)  If you are a new student and you want to finish school so you could go to college then you could be a new student here at SHS. If you are scared or nervous don’t be the teachers and the students are nice they will help you out if you need it. Cindy Greer said, “If I were a student entering a new school in the middle of the year, I would be so nervous. So, I think that every student who does transfer into my class is probably shy and nervous the first few days.  I always worry that I won’t make the new student feel welcome and I worry about what Algebra they have already learned and hope they can catch on to whatever concept we are covering at the time. ” I bet all the teachers will feel nervous if they went to another school in the middle of the year. Everyone here at SHS is always helpful and caring to all kids and adults. When you need help in class, you can always ask the teacher or student.

Loran Parks said ” If I moved to a different school in the middle of the year I would probably feel scared and nervous because I wouldn’t have had no friends maybe but I would still be nervous.” Adjusting in a new school is kind of easy if you make friends immediately and they help you around more. Sometimes it takes just a little longer to make friends so you could find out if you want to be friends with them or not. Most students here are crazy. fun, and great to hang out with at lunch or any other time.



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