Trump gets right to work in his first month in office

Searcy (LP) February twentieth marks the one month since the inauguration of our President Donald Trump and with it, his achievements or disappointments (depending on your opinion) comes to mind. Since January 20th our president has taken great actions and made many decisions using his position to his advantage. From ordering the construction of the Border Wall separating the U.S. from Mexico to withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Trump has already made huge impacts upon our country.

Trump signing one of many new bills.
Trump signing one of many new bills.

Soon after being sworn-in Trump signed two executive orders regarding the Border Wall, raising the number of Border Patrol Forces, and also hiring more immigrations officers that handle the deportation of illegal immigrants. These new policies could include as much as 5,000 more agents in the Border Patrol Forces, and 10,000 more Immigration and Custom Enforcement Officers. Owen Summerland, a Junior at SHS says, ” I think he’s going to get it done the way it needs to be, he’s building it to keep our country safe and regulate the immigration. He wants people to come over here legally, he’s not racist at all.” Signing these two orders Trump gets closer to his dream of  “The United States gaining back control of its borders.” The next item on the agenda for the Trump Administration was another item involving Immigration in the United States. Trump’s “Muslim Ban” or his plan to “keep out Radical Islamic Terrorists from the United States of America” has been presented and is now up for debate among many politicians. This plan will severely limit the amount of refugees from Syria and keep all people from “terror-prone” countries coming into the United States unless deemed fit by the Trump Administration for 90 days. This plan will also lower the amount of refugees into the U.S. from a 110,000 cap to a 50,000 cap, more than half from 2016.

Next Trump withdrew the U.S. from the very popular Trans-Pacific Partnership. The Trans-Pacific Partnership or TPP is a trade deal between the U.S., Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam with a goal to deep economic ties and boost the economy for all countries in on the agreement. Eventually the TPP would become just one single market similar to the European Union. Trump’s reason for abandoning the TPP was “it was harmful to American workers and manufacturing.” Summerland’s opinion over the issue was “He’s a businessman, he knows what he’s doing. Pulling out of this deal may help us have a better economy and further help the people.”

Trump has definitely made huge ripples in the world over this past month, and whatever your political view is, one cannot deny that he isn’t afraid to speak his mind and Trump backs it up with action too.

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