SHS Announcements

STUDENT ANNOUNCEMENTS  •Thursday •  November 9, 2017            


ARKANSAS SCHOOL FOR MATH SCIENCE AND THE ARTS: A representative from the Arkansas School for Math, Science, and the Arts will be here November 16th, at a table outside the cafeteria during first and second lunch, to speak with any freshman or sophomore interested in applying to attend ASMSA.  A minimum GPA of 3.25 is required for any interested applicant.


GOVERNOR’S SCHOOL: 11th grade students interested in attending Arkansas Governor’s School June 10-July 21 must sign up in the Guidance Center by November 10.  


BOY’S SOCCER: 2nd Tryouts will be Monday Nov. 20th.  3:30- 4:30 at the grass field.


ASU JONESBORO ADMISSION AND SCHOLARSHIP UPDATES: There are several changes regarding admission and scholarship criteria at A-State Jonesboro.  They are as follows:

  1. The university WILL super score the ACT for institutional scholarship offers beginning with our fall 2018 offers.  Admissions will also accept ACT super scores for admission to the university.


  1.     A-State Jonesboro WILL upgrade fall 2018 institutional scholarship offers for qualifying students who take the December 2017 ACT IF the student was admitted by the December 1st deadline and becomes eligible for a higher scholarship offer.


  1. In regards to the A-State Scholar, any upgrades would only be A-State Spirit through the A-State Excellence scholarships because the A-State Scholar will be awarded around the second week of December, as always.



KEY CLUB: sign-up for giving blood in the Key Club Blood Drive coming up on Nov. 16th.  We will also need a few workers for the Blood Drive.

FRENCH CLUB: French Club will meeting this Friday, Nov. 10th at 7:30 in Mrs. Slaughter’s room.



11/9- SHS Cubs Basketball at Bryant

11/9- SHS Fall Play

11/11- SHS Cub Classic


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