Youth to youth provides students with service projects

There are many clubs offered at Searcy High School.  One of these clubs is Youth to Youth sponsored by English teacher April Butler.

“Youth to Youth is a service organization that was started in Columbus, Ohio for teenagers to help other teenagers make good decisions, so it mainly about positive peer pressure,” Butler said

Arielle Butler, Youth to Youth president, joined Youth to Youth because it is positive. “Everyone should be drug free.”

Youth to Youth sponsors many projects throughout the year. One project the club is responsible for is Red Ribbon Week.

“We are always responsible for Red Ribbon Week, we did a penny drive last year and gave the money to a new cancer center, and we combined with Key Club to do a “Don’t Text and Drive” campaign,” said April Butler.

Red Ribbon Week, the last week of October, is done every year in schools throughout the country.

“Red Ribbon Week is a national week dedicated to being drug free, we wear red ribbons to show that we support being drug free,” said April Butler.

April Butler said members are in groups and each group  is responsible for a service project once a month, such as recycling, or don’t drive with distractions.

One member, Becca Buterbaugh, said she likes helping out in Youth to Youth.

“I enjoy the projects in Youth to Youth because every activity had a good meaning and work to effect other’s lives for the better,” Buterbaugh said. “Last year I enjoyed selling thumb-bands against texting and driving.  It’s surreal to think that the simplest things can make the biggest impact.  It was worth spreading the message.”

Anyone is welcome to join this club.  For new members, the fee is seven dollars and for returning members the fee is five dollars.  The club meets the second Thursday of every month in Mrs. Butler’s room, room 114.

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