Students Council delivers turkeys to faculty

Every holiday season, student council shows their appreciation for classified workers in a unique way.

Each member delivers a vital part of the Thanksgiving meal to a worker.

“Today we delivered Turkeys to all of the faculty, to thank them for what they do,” senior Laurel Fitts explained.

Student council members believe that it is their responsibility to give thanks.

“We are student council; we are the leaders of the school, so we are thought to be an example for others,” Fitts said.

Council members raise money to pay for the turkeys themselves.

“We are using money that we raise at concession stands,” said senior Patrick McKenzie. “It is just to give them a big thank you for what they do.”

Delivering turkeys has become a recent tradition for the student council.

“We have done it every year that I’ve been in student council,” said Fitts.

“The first year that I came to work at the high school, I was very surprised when they brought in turkeys, for all of the secretaries and the custodians. I thought that was very nice. We’ve enjoyed our turkey every year,” stated secretary Sylvia Cleveland.

Student council uses Thanksgiving to show gratitude towards the staff.

“We really appreciate everything that they do around here and we wanted a creative way to show that. Thanksgiving was the way to do it,” McKenzie stated.

Student council said that the staff enjoyed the turkeys.

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