Tran-Siberian Orchestra rocks Little Rock

wallpaper-10-1024The Tran-Siberian Orchestra came to the Verizon Arena for an exuberant Christmas concert.

Multitudes of people naturally flocked there, anxious to experience their majestic performance.

The wait was extremely long and the line to wait in after tickets were in hand was excruciating. Inside the large auditorium where the actual concert was about to begin, apprehension steadily built.

Snacking on the concessions and tightly packed in and the wait was getting tiresome, they were a little bit late and people started shifting around anxiously.

Then it finally happened, the clanking of feet marching unto the stage and slight hum of the upcoming music. Pillars of green light shined off of the luminous stage and prominent members of the band appeared.

After this, the room exploded in a glorious musical crescendo. Electric guitars blazed in the evanescent light and the introduction song commenced.

Lasers danced about the auditorium and pillars of fire began to spurt from the floor, then as if the rest wasn’t enough, a giant burning stopwatch swung from the ceiling. The room was filled with vigorous deafening applause.

After the intro a man with a voice like James Earl Jones approached the stage. There was a slight  pause and softer music started to seep from the student orchestra behind the actual band. He scanned the crowd and began to narrate a story about a Christmas angel searching for one soul to embody the Christmas spirit. As the angel in the story traveled towards Earth the band played their famous song ‘Christmas Serenvango’. The story was astounding about a grieving father reunited with a son long cast away.


The melodies died down a tad and the lead singer took the mic, there was a long awkward pause and I thought that for sure the show was over. A good chunk of the people were looking around like they were sad that it might be ending.

Then to all of our astonishment the lead singer said “You ready to get this party started?!” Of course we were!

All of the lights fluttered on giant pillars of fire burst out again, the clock swung back down and the best fiddle player I’ve ever heard began to dance with the professional dancing girls (without missing a beat).

The fiddler and the lead guitarist went to platforms on each side of the stage and it broke apart and raised out over the audience.

The music rebounded over and over throughout the room for another thirty minutes.

At the end I realized it was literally the best concert I had ever been to, I didn’t even listen to music for three days afterwards; it couldn’t compare.


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