Seniors work on college admission, scholarships

Screen Shot 2013-01-28 at 2.51.40 PMAs the second semester has started the seniors begin to think about their future and  for many of them that future is college.

“I applied early to lots of colleges, probably about six colleges, and I have applied for  lots of scholarships, so I’ll be able to put money in my pocket,” senior Dakota Galban said.

Most students have applied for multiple colleges just in case they don’t get into the first that they apply to.

“I have only applied to one school, but that’s because I know exactly where I want to go, that’s where my dreams lie, Fayetteville, so I’ve applied there, now Im just  working on my  scholarship stuff, and that’s about it,” senior Haley Duncan explained.

Some seniors have everything planned and paid for, so they can be ready for college when its time to go.

“I’ve been filling out things for the college I’m going to; I made a housing deposit for Williams Baptist, and I’ve applied for five or six colleges, and now I’m just waiting,” senior  Ali Thomas said.

The stressload rises as the students begin filling out college and scholarship  applications.

“Filling out for scholarships is really stressful, because its hard to remember the deadlines and which ones go with which, and how much money your going to have, and its just confusing in general,” Micah Webb said.

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Some students don’t enjoy the process of filling out applications for college.

“The process is so big, it’s like carrying a boulder on my back; they all ask for the same a things over and over,” Galban added.

Others don’t mind the pressures that come with getting ready.

“It’s not that big of a deal for me because my college gets paid for, from one thing particularly: I’m part Native American, so I’m lucky that it’s not that stressful for me, but for my peers it is,” Duncan said.

Paying for college is a big deal for some, so it’s a lot on their plate.

“It’s a really big deal for me, I don’t know what I’m getting yet,”  Thomas said. “I find out after January 20, so I’ve been kind of nervous because it all depends on if I can get it all paid off–if I can get the right scholarships, before my ACT.”

There are now only a little over three more months left for the seniors, until they graduate. It’s the end of high school as they know it but it’s the beginning of a start in their new lives.

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