Will technology replace print in libraries?

DSCF0242 Is there so much of a need to move forward with technology that all sentimental and common essentials will be erased from homes and institutions around the world?

We live in a world constantly evolving into modern mechanisms and machines instead of everyday essentials of yesteryear.

The main change being noticed is electronic books instead of hard copies full of pages and print beneath your fingertips.

Library patrons ponder the thought that perhaps someday soon all books will be in the form of gadgets instead of on a shelf.

“I think we are at some point going to go straight to technology,” said senior Anthony Luevano.

With benefits such as being cheaper, taking up less space, and the fact that digital media is taking over in other places perhaps books will be thrown aside for something more modern.

“I think, in the near future, books will always be in print,” concurs Librarian Mitzie Cannon.

Some readers even disdain the idea of having to use gizmo reading.DSCF0230

“I don’t think it will all go to technology,” said sophomore  Ryan Cagle. “I like books better because you don’t have to worry about low battery or finding a plug-in; you just grab a book and you are good to go.”

If a genius such as Albert Einstein predicted the outcome of too much technology several decades ago, should we listen?

“I fear the day when technology overlaps our humanity.  The world will only have a generation of idiots,” stated Einstein.

Yet other lovers of literature see that technology is moving forward but notices that the human race always has a soft spot for tangible objects.

“I believe that you are going to have both, just like you still have computers and paperwork,” said library aide Dee Dee Pettit.

With this war what will win, nostalgia or necessity?


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