Juniors prepare for literacy exam

Screen Shot 2013-02-14 at 2.55.48 PMThe juniors are close to taking one of the biggest, most important test of their high school career.

Some students do not quite understand the importance of the literacy exam.

“Literacy exam is a high stakes test that proves students are literate enough to be part of the world past high school, and the results of the literacy exam impact their graduation requirements,” said English teacher Trisha White.

Just like with every test, students have ways to prepare for it.

“The best thing students can do to prepare for the test is to work hard on practice exams like the target test and practice passages. They can make sure that when they answer questions they answer them thoroughly, and that all the questions they answer are complete,” said White.

Nothing is more beneficial then getting prepared with the help of your teacher.

“It is so important to prepare for it. We have been preparing. I really tried not to talk about it a lot the first of the year because I knew how hard we would be working on it now. We’re teaching research now, which is a good preparation for it,” said English teacher Sherry Farhatt.

To be prepared to the best of your abilities, you should know what the test will be like.Screen Shot 2013-03-26 at 5.45.39 PM

The students will have four reading passages each day.

“Four reading passages in a row is quite a bit of reading. They can be two and a half to three pages each. So, that could be up to twelve pages of reading. The more you read, the more prepared you are for it,” said English teacher Darlene Stewart.

As odd as it sounds, treat this test like a sport.

“With sports, you practice the sport all the time, every day, even when your not in season they practice every day. We’re practicing for a test that prepares them for a future. We don’t practice that every day; we practice that several times a month. I think the practices are effective because it helps them perfect that skill of not just proving that they know how to read, but proving that they can comprehend and relate what they’ve read to their own experience,” said White.

Try not to stress too much about the test, you can always go to your teachers for help and advice.

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