Drama students prepare for annual dessert theatre

Screen Shot 2013-03-15 at 2.41.13 PMIn the past few weeks drama students have been working hard to prepare for the annual Valentine Dessert Theatre.

“Right now,” says Sarah Swain, “all we’re doing is running lines on this little stage so when we get up on the big stage we will be more spread out and stuff.”

In each class a student director is chosen.

“The job of a student director is to make sure everybody’s in their place when they’re supposed to be,” Swain explains. “They make sure the actors have their lines down and their cues.”

Both of the drama I classes are performing a reader’s theatre act.

“We’re practicing every day in class getting ready for the theatre,” says Taylor.

Taylor says the students have the scripts in front of them the whole time so memorizing is not a big issue, but she wants them to be able to memorize it.

“They have to be so familiar that they hardly ever have to look down so it’s nearly memorized,” explains Taylor. “Our reader’s theatre is about a bunch of different things, it’s like mom-and-dadisms that we grew up with, like ‘don’t eat the yellow snow’ and ‘don’t cross your eyes, they’ll stick like that.'” says Swain. “Stuff like that, that parents say to us that aren’t exactly true.”

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Setting up and preparing for the dessert theatre was not a simple task in the slightest.

“Well, the students arrive for Dessert Theatre at 5:30 to start getting in to costume and make up,” says Taylor. “They set out all the food and the plates, everything we need; making sure everything is decorated.”

At the Dessert Theatre there were desserts such as banana pudding, Lemon box cake, and chocolate mousse served.

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