Students work for extra spending money

Screen Shot 2013-03-01 at 2.58.29 PMEvery student has something to do after school. For some, it’s sports, others, it’s clubs and organizations or video games. But, many students join the work force after school hours.

“I always came here, and the people here are nice, so I thought why not work here to get the experience. It’s really nice,” said senior Sha Sha Norman.

Junior Dylan Rohr said that a majority of the people who work at Hay’s were students at Searcy.

“There are a few that go to Rose Bud, Riverview, or Bald Knob, but a majority are from Searcy and they, usually, right after school, when the bell rings, they pick up their stuff, get in their car, and head on to Hay’s,” he said.

Searcy alumna Kelsea Melville said that her work place, Chick-Fil-A, is a great environment to work.

“A lot of the people here are Christians, which is great for me because it’s the kind of people I enjoy hanging out with. I’ve made a lot of friends here, so it’s pretty great,” said Melville.

One thing each student has learned is no matter what job you have, there are always some great benefits.

“The advantages are having money when you need it, instead of asking your parents. So, you’re kind of responsible while you are still in school,” said Norman.

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“Some of the advantages are you have a way of spending your afternoon, in a good way, instead of just sitting at home, snacking on food, or just moseying around your house,” said Rohr.

Melville said that working can get stressful with school.

“Sometimes I feel rushed and I have tests the next day, it’s kind of stressful because I might not get to study for it as much and sometimes I don’t have as much time as I like,” said Melville.

With great benefits comes some big disadvantages.Screen Shot 2013-03-01 at 2.59.32 PM

“Staying late to clean up; you’re always staying late. You might not get home until like 10:30, 11 o’clock. Then I have to get right back up and get ready for school,” said Norman.

But keep in mind, regardless, of all these advantages and disadvantages there is cash involved, which is pretty helpful for a number of things.

Screen Shot 2013-03-01 at 2.59.14 PM“I usually spend it on myself. Sometimes I get gifts for my parents, especially now that it’s coming to christmas, I’m starting to buy stuff for other people,” said Rohr. “It’s mainly for selfish reasons.”

Norman said she spends her money on senior items.

“I use it on senior stuff: cap and gown, and Josten’s, and some fun stuff like going to the movies,” said Norman.

Melville works mostly for spending money.

“Some of it is for Chick-Fil-A, but then I save some of it,” said Melville. “I just a dog, so I spent some money on that.”

Take some advice from those who have a job, before taking this big step.

“Make sure your schedule is clear for work, because you might have, like for me, I go to school, I’m secretary of Hosa and I work so it’s kind of overwhelming,” said Norman. “So make sure your schedule is fit for a job.”

Melville said working too many hours can cause stress.

Screen Shot 2013-03-01 at 3.00.36 PM“I would definitely say to not work too much, because it can get really stressful. At the same time, just try to have a balance between work and school, and you do need a social life,” said Melville.

Rohr said working doesn’t allow much free time.

“If you are wanting to get a part-time job, just be prepared to give up your time, sacrifically, and just be able to prepare yourself to sacrifice time and friends and family, and just be focused on thing, your job,” said Rohr.

Be sure to check out all of Searcy’s employers for applications, if you are interested in a part-time job yourself.

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