Freshman shoot rockets for science project

Screen Shot 2013-05-28 at 9.39.19 PMThe freshman class got a chance to shoot homemade rockets into the sky. They were to make the best rocket possible that be shot into the air at unknown speeds.

Freshman David Crowley enjoyed building the rockets.

“My funniest thing was when I accidentally taped my hand to the rocket,” said Crowley. “The hardest and least fun part was making the cone and wings.”

Some rockets were unsuccessful and misfired.

“My rocket misfired, but we tried again the next day and it flew pretty high,” said freshman Madison Harmon.

David Crowley got to shoot his twice just for fun, as did many other boys.

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Many people’s families were the main help to bring these rockets to there standards.

“I enjoyed my family helping me build it,” said Harmon.

There were pro’s and con’s about building the rockets.

“It was fun seeing it put together and becoming something, but the not so fun part was the due date and having to rush to get the equipment, and get it done,” said Harmon.

People didn’t start early so they didn’t get to do all that they wanted. They thought this project would be super easy, that turned out to be challenging.

“I wish I would have started working on it the day we got it,” explained Harmon. “I worked hard on mine though and I thought it looked pretty good,” said Harmon.

Even though some rockets were misfired, all the students enjoyed building and shooting the rockets and the three days spent outside instead of the classroom doing work.

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