Seniors complete memorable high school assignment

As the school year is drawing to a close for the seniors, many have been completing a dreaded assignment called memory books.

Every year Dr. Miles Watson, the AP English IV teacher, assigns memory books as a project for seniors.

“The purpose of the senior memory book project is to just give these kids a chance to reflect on their last year of school and to think about some of the important or significant moments from their lives,” said Watson.

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He feels it gives the students a chance to write about their favorite memories so they can have a way to remember them in the future.

A memory book is like a scrapbook for pictures and essays from senior year.

“A memory is a set of essays about memories that happen during your senior year. After you write them, you get to put them in a scrapbook with pictures and decorate them,” said senior Micah Webb.

Throughout the year, seniors wrote a total of twenty essays to include in the book.

The memories start from the summer between junior and senior year and end when the project is due.

Students can use pictures from summer vacations, homecoming, senior nights, or personal events.

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Senior, Arielle Butler, thought memory books were a pretty creative project idea.

“I know I will appreciate it in the future,” said Butler.

Many seniors have mixed feelings about making these memory books.

“It was a little stressful, but I had a lot of fun getting pictures and remembering what all has happened this year,” said Webb.

Memory books are mementos for the students to keep from their last year of high school.

They are also the last major grade in the class.

“My favorite part of memory books was going through all the pictures and realizing I made some great memories during my senior year,” said Butler.

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Later on, these students will look back on the books and remember all the great memories they made as seniors.

“I am planning to leave my book at home with my parents while I am in college, and when the time comes for me to have my own place I will probably take it with me and open it up every once in a while to remember high school,” said Butler.

 Everyone has different plans for their books, and will keep them to look back on one day, but for now most seniors are glad they are done with the project and look forward to the next chapter in their lives.


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