Drama students ‘act out’ in showcase

Screen Shot 2013-04-25 at 2.51.05 PMDrama students have been preparing for their annual Actors’ Showcase.

“Actors’ Showcase is basically where each class period puts on a production to show what they’ve learned throughout the year and skills they’ve acquired,” said freshman Jessica Reynolds.

This year there is a variety of performances acted out by drama I through drama IV.

“I have two classes that are writing their own plays,” said drama teacher Mandy Taylor. “One is about a circus and the other is about a character who is trying to find his play or his story.”

One actress, from drama I, enjoys her role in the production.

“My role in the actor showcase is Yum Yum. I play a girl and these two guys are ‘fighting’ over me and soon I become a princess,” said freshman Chloe Marling.

Taylor expects the performances to go very well due to everyone’s hard work.

“I know the students are really excited about their performances and it is their chance to really showcase their talents,” she stated.

Everyone is looking forward to the showcase.

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