Makin’ a dime…students work for extras

Senior Corey Webb folds shirts during his part time job at Hay's Family Clothing. Webb uses the job to pay for gas and incidentals.

As school begins thousands of students retire from summer jobs while others choose to continue through. With busy schedules that involve after school activities such as club meetings and social gatherings, students manage to keep a job and make money at the same time.

Senior Corey Webb enjoys working at Hays, making money in return for his services.  He said his coworkers are pretty easy-going.

“From a scale from one to ten,”  he explains. “It’s definitely more stressful than NOT having a job and going to school, because it’s just something else to add onto the schedules…so probably as seven.”

The key to having a job especially during the school year is learning to manage your time wisely.

“I have to manage my time better and study on nights that I don’t work, even if it isn’t the night before,” Webb said.  “I’m still able to keep all A’s though.”

Webb works about 15 to 20 hours during the school year while during the summer he would normally work 30 to 40 hours.

“There are lot of fair maidens that work there…that’s always nice,” hints Webb as the unique thing about working at Hay’s.

Who wouldn’t want to be surrounded by such an atmosphere while doing an easy job while getting paid?

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