Band prepares for marching season during summer

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Each year the band spends many hours hard at work before school even starts.

“We always want to build on previous years of what we have accomplished,” band director Tony Luzzi said.  “This band is working hard. We have a great attitude; we are having a good time, morale is up, and everything is going so well. For the beginning of the year, I think great things are going to happen, and this is just the tip of the iceberg for us.”

All of the extra practice has students ready for marching season.

“We really look forward to our marching show, and conducting a band,” Senior Bethany Jones stated.

“We think everybody will really like it, and get into it, and we are very excited about, our work,” Luzzi explained.

Along with the new band season, comes new drumming majors.

“We expect great things from the two young ladies, they are very strong with leadership skills, and wonderful players and it’s going be a good year for them,” Luzzi said.

“I’m so excited, they’re so awesome with music,” Senior Kristen Meeker explained.

All in all the band has worked very hard on becoming one of the best high school bands around.


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