Tennis team plays strong at conference tournament

Screen Shot 2014-01-30 at 2.40.52 PMThe 6A conference was held for the second time here at Searcy.

The Searcy team faced many challenges during the conference, like tough competition.

“Competition here is very high, we play some really good players. You just got to stay focused to win game after game and get the W,” said junior Kaleb Provence.

“Waiting in between matches, you have time to rest and you just want to go play. I guess that’d be the hardest part,” said senior Sydni Woodard.

The Searcy team has many strengths, but some go beyond just their skills in the game.

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“Our strength here today and yesterday is mostly in our teammates. We’re all friends here and we support each other and lift each other up,” said Provence.

“Well, so far we’ve all won and pretty much all of us are going to state and so we are gonna have good chances in state and good conference titles,” said Woodard.

Nine players from Searcy High School made it to state this year and the turn out was great.

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