Little Lionstepper program teaches children, students

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The Little Lionsteppers is a week-long program SHS Dance team holds to teach kindergarten through sixth grade girls a dance to perform at a Searcy game. The program has been running for two years now.

Earlier this year, the Little Lionsteppers did a dance during a football game. But, more recently, the girls showed up at one of Searcy’s basketball games to show the performance that they had been practicing.

The girls enjoyed participating in the program with the older Lionsteppers.

“I have had fun being a Little Lionstepper, because I got to meet new people” said Little Lionstepper Ashleigh Simpson.

The young girls that sign up for the Little Lionsteppers are split up into two groups. One for kids kindergarten through second and the other one for third through sixth. This allows the older girls have a more complicated dance than the younger girls.

Each group worked hard at practicing and memorizing their dance for the game.

“It gives me something to do when I’m not at cheer or tumble,” said Simpson.

The high school dancers also split up to teach both groups the dance that has been prepared for them to learn.

“They are all so sweet and it is fun to be involved with the kids,” said sophomore Lionstepper Jacquelyn Barnett.

Both, the dance students of the high school and the dance coach enjoyed teaching the Little Lionsteppers.

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“First, seeing my girls in a leadership role, they do all the work. Second, watching how proud the little girls are when they learn the moves,” said coach Amanda Simpson.

The team has not faced many challenges while training the Little Lionsteppers.

“Maybe just trying to keep their attention,” said sophomore Lionstepper Sarah Knowles.

“The only challenge has been getting the word out,” said Simpson.

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The little girls are not the only ones that learn through this program.

“I have learned to be very patient and take my time,” said Barnett.

“I learned that the children are capable of so much; they learn so much so fast,” said Coach Simpson.

While the team was practicing, there was inconvenient weather that kept the team from practicing. Therefore, the show was delayed;  and later performed, however, it was still a great performance that everyone enjoyed watching.

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