Christian movie portrays message of faith, confidence

Gods-Not-Dead-Facebook-2Teenagers all over the country have been raging over the new movie God’s Not Dead. 

Josh Wheaton, played by Shane Harper, is just starting his freshman year in college and signing up for classes when he is warned about his Philosophy professor. Wheaten insists on still enrolling into the class. Wheaten understands the message when the professor, Professor Raddison, played by Kevin Sorbo, forces all the students to make a proclamation saying “God is dead” on a piece of paper with they’re signature at the bottom; he claims it will help them understand the class and the atheist philosophers that will be taught in the class. Wheaton, a devoted Christian, takes a stand for his faith and decides against his professor’s wishes.

Raddison, who makes it clear he is an atheist, gives Josh the decision to make the statement, or throughout the semester at the end of every class he can provide intellectual presentations to convince the class that God is not dead. If he fails to do so, he will fail the class. Battling his conscience, his grades, and his girlfriend, Josh decides to take the battle knowing God is with him every step of the way.


Like every movie, opinions vary from different people. I would say this movie has raised the most conversation in opinions to the movie compared to any Nicholas Sparks or Channing Tatum movies. My opinion would definitely have to take the side of saying, I love it! There’s not many Christian-based or God-centered movies out there, and the ones that are, tend to not raise very high on the popularity scale.

The main thing I love about the movie is the stand that not only
the actors and actresses took, but also every one that went in to writing the script, producing the movie, filming the scenes, and all the little things in between. There is plenty of non-christians working in the industry field, along with other religions as well. For some reason, Christianity seems to be the most offensive to people.

To watch famous actors put their careers on the line and have their faith shown throughout the country gains a lot of respect from me. It speaks that they are not afraid to use their ability to literally speak to the world about their belief  and show that God is not dead.

The message the movie portrays speaks a lot to me as well; what happens is real life events that happen every day, maybe just in different context. It’s relatable and realistic; having someone challenge your faith is something that happens every day, even if it’s said through a different message. This movie gives me more confidence in sharing my faith and my beliefs.

Yes, it is just a movie, but I believe that everything and anything is possible with the strength of God. This movie is a great reminder of that. Even if a non-christian watches this movie, it also shows the other side; the side of people who don’t and refuse to believe. The facts of science and biblical knowledge are all true in the movie.

Some people may think the movie just isn’t good, not factual, or it could offend some viewers, and that is all perfectly fine. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and this just happens to be mine.

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