Looking Back

Searcy (LP)  The last days of my high school career are fast approaching and I can only imagine how I’ll be feeling when I step out of Harrison Central grounds for the very last time. Throughout these three years, I have felt a lot of urgency about graduating high school. I didn’t think that the time to graduate would come soon enough. Now, that time is finally nearing. I cannot believe that it has come this fast. I remember my first days

Seniors lol

of high school. I was just dying to experience all the new and exciting things that awaited me. From sports to girls to all the partying, I just wanted to know what everything was like.


Now that I’ve done all those things and many more, I am about to embark on a new adventure that will take me too many more new experiences. Some say that “high school was the best time of my life”, just like others say that high school was the worst time in their lives. To be honest, I am not sure which category I fall into. I’ve had plenty of good times, as well as just as many bad times, in high school.

The only thing I can say is that I learned. And the most important thing is that, not just that I learned through the books, but I learned about life and the road ahead of me.From being an inexperienced sophomore to a somewhat mature senior, things have really changed for me. I started high school as a brash and cocky athlete, dying to conquer the world, which I did not know much about. I will leave high school as a world-weary senior, knowing that there are many dangers to encounter in the real world. I will take what I learned from the many great teachers I have met in  highschool and apply it in college. I will use the tools that have been given to me by the ones who care. I am a sharper individual than I once was, and I have many influential teachers to thank for that. These last few days will be fun, but sad in a way.

The campus that has become my home will be a bittersweet memory, and nothing more. I hope to stay in contact with the people who were in these four long years of my life. I say long, but when I think about it, it feels like I was entering as a confused freshman just yesterday.  Realistically, I do not know what the world out there holds for me. All I can do is enter it with a guarded optimism and hope for the best.


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