STUDENT ANNOUNCEMENTS • Monday • May 7, 2018
CONGRATULATIONS to Antonio Keyes for gaining Microsoft Master certification last week!!
CONGRATULATIONS: Canon Smith and Chloe Inman won the 10th annual  Downey Publishing's "Art for Education"
Contest.  Chloe's artwork will be featured on the cover of the next White County phonebook, while Canon's artwork will be
on the inside cover!
LADY LIONS SOCCER TRYOUTS will be May 21st and 22nd at Lion Stadium from 3:30-4:30. Be sure to bring shin
guards.  We will have soccer balls available. Jr. High needs to sign up in the office with Mrs. Hamilton and High School sign
up in the west office with Miss Dee Dee.
2019 SENIORS: There are 49 of upcoming seniors (Class of 2019) who have NOT turned in their schedule request forms.  If
Mrs. Roddy does not have these by Thursday MORNING she will create these schedules for the students.  If Mrs. Roddy
completes the schedule for a student she will NOT change what she creates. If these students want any input into their senior
schedules they have until Thursday morning at 9:00 am to get them to her.
REMINDER: Please make sure the office has your correct home address.  Report cards and registration forms will be mailed
out over the summer.
available starting Monday morning 4/30 from Mrs. Jones in room 320. Petitions will also be available though the English
teachers. Every student who gets a petition will still need to come by Mrs. Jones’s room to verify they’ve read the campaign
The election dates will be as follows:
Petitions: Monday 4/30; due by Fri 5/4 at 3:05
Campaigning may begin on Monday 5/8- Fri 5/11
Voting will be on Fri 5/11 in the English classes
Results will be announced Monday 5/14

TENNIS TRYOUTS: Tryouts for the 2018 varsity tennis team will begin on May 14-15 @ 5:00 at the SHS courts.  You
must have a current physical in order to try out.  No exceptions.  Returning players must try out. The top 10 players on ladies'
and men's sides will make varsity.  Everyone else will be invited to play in the SYTL.  Students may begin signing up for
tennis tryouts on Mon. April 30th in Doc Watson's room (317).
IMMUNIZATIONS: If a student has turned 16 years old this school year, a 2nd MCV4 (Meningitis) immunization is
required after turning 16 years old.  Please bring a copy of your shot record to the nurse, once you have received the 2nd
MCV4 immunization.
FINAL VARSITY BASKETBALL TRYOUTS : The final chance to try out for varsity basketball team will be May 21
and 22 at 1:00-2:30 pm in the High School Gym. Students must have a current physical on file with the school to tryout.
GOLF TRYOUTS: Tryouts for the 2018 SHS Lion and Lady Lion golf teams will be May 14th-15th at Searcy Country
Club.  Any student wishing to tryout MUST sign up in Coach Turney's room (117), have a physical, and return the
information sheet.  There will be a MANDATORY meeting in Coach Turney's room on May 10th at 3:15 for all students
wishing to tryout.  Free physicals at school are scheduled for April 6th.  Physical forms and information sheets can be picked
up in Coach Turney's room.
5/8- SHS Softball @ Beebe
5/10-12- SHS Softball State Tournament in Greenwood
5/10-12- SHS Baseball State Tournament in Greenwood
5/10-12- SHS Soccer State Tournament in Russellville

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