You’re Almost There Class Of 2019!

Searcy, Ark., (LP) — Being a junior in highschool and being so close to your senior year can be quite annoying, yet so exciting at once. Most teens say that being on the edge of almost having to be a grown up is what causes all the excitement. One step in the real world, and then next thing you know its reality. Most seniors advice to the juniors is “just try not to fail.” But heads up juniors because the fun and the games are just about to come to an end. “Having to grow up is just apart of life,” Haylee Keillor junior of Searcy High states. Deadlines now matter, and growing up and getting all of your priorities straight is just about to settle in. Being so close yet so far is the most annoying part of being a junior.

All the stress is just about to settle in and boy are you juniors in for a ride! During senior year there will be work that you have to do, and it is important to complete it. The grades you receive senior year will affect your GPA, which colleges accept you, and what rank you finish in your class. Senior year is “just as important as the others (years),” Senior Laken Randolph stated. “Senioritis is a mindset. You don’t have it until you say you have it, so stay focused all year, and do not get complacent.” Morgan Miller junior of Searcy High states “Now that junior year is finally coming to an end I cannot wait to see what my last year here at Searcy High holds. It’s very heartwarming to be able to call this place my second home. In the junior year of high school you’ll make critical decisions that could have a major impact on the next five years of your life (and beyond) as you start narrowing lists of colleges and career paths.

The good news is that all these critical activities high school juniors must attempt to accomplish can be boiled down to just doing what you know you have to do to reach your goals. The junior year of high school often doesn’t get the respect it deserves.  The junior year is one of those middle years lost between the fear and excitement of the first year of high school and the joy and excitement of the senior year of high school. In the hierarchy of importance, however, the junior year deserves a high ranking because of how much harder it is for some people than senior year will ever be.

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