The workers behind the scenes Administrative Assistant

Mrs.Kelly Hamilton working for us and are school

SEARCY, Ar. (LP) – After doing a short study Lion Press interviewed Mrs.Kelly Hamilton Administrative Assistant of the east office. She was asked about her duties
In this office. Mrs. Kelly Hamilton states, “Answering files, student manuscripts, reports, also in charge of graduation plus any task ask of her by the Administrators”. Mrs.Hamilton says, “There is a lot of work and it could be stressful if it were not for our great team in the east office.” She has been employed by the Searcy School District for 5 years 4 at AHLF Junior High School and this is her first year at Searcy High School. Mrs. Dee Dee Pettit is also the Administrative Assistant, in the west office of Searcy High School says she has been employed by Searcy School District for 4 years but has 20 years of experience. Mrs. Pettit was ask if her job was stressful. She says at times it can be but she finds her job very rewarding and fulfilling.
Mrs. Dee Dee Pettit was ask about her responsibilities. She answers the phones, greets students, and assist them. Also,  she helps with Parents and  gets substitutes for teachers that will be absence. Doing data entries, monthly reports, and of course assist the principal and teachers is among the many things she does on a daily basis.
Mr. McCammon said, “It takes a special person to do the job of Administrative Assistant, it’s a demanding job,” We could not operate smoothly with out our Administrative Assistant. It takes a multi-tasker to do this job. Because they have many distractions, such as paperwork , students needs, parents of students and lots of other stuff to do all day. Mr. McCammon says,” the offices are the busiest places in the school.
Sounds like our Administrative Assistants love their jobs, but also our principals have great respect for their administrative assistants.

The west office where Mrs.DeeDee Pettit works

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