SHS students struggling with IXL homework online

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SEARCY, AR. (LP) – Homework has never been easy for students but, online homework? Made it 20 times harder on SHS students. Teachers and people on the board should really have thought on online homework more carefully. Students need work that they know will get done and online homework is not the right way.

Many students have had issues with getting their online homework completed and it’s just not fair. In many cases a lot of students don’t have internet access at home or a reliable phone, tablet, or computer to try and use their items to even get online. A change in students math grades have decreased by 20% due to online homework. Students aren’t able to get things turned in on time or have another way to access their belongings. SHS needs to have a meeting in try to see how to prevent online homework and than see how much algebra, geometry and quantitative literacy grades rise up. Students need to have options rather they want paper or online work.

A student at SHS stated, “I believe the students should have a say in rather we get online work because I don’t have a computer at home nor internet and have been failing my math classes ever since IXL.” Could IXL be a problem to the Searcy School District? Students at SHS have a hard time doing classes in a 45 minutes period and now they have to have IXL due everyday. Students stress themselves out in trying to keep up with the new a system that is not fair. Another student stated, “Online work is harder in my opinion just because it’s on a screen and not on paper, the screen hurts my eyes and makes me not wanna focus.” Having students feel like they are pressured to use computers won’t make them wanna work any harder especially when it’s affecting their work environment.

Another students said, “I told my teacher I had NO way in getting on IXL at home and I filled a paper out stating I don’t have a way to access my work, they still have not gave me a second option so I am failing Geometry.” Students want to speak out on this issue because it could help better their grades and help their learning. Computers are a lot more harder to actually do work on as a student. We get frustrated and give up on the computer work. SHS needs to take a notice on this issue and hopefully work on changing this rule to help better the students.

Assignments in IXL

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