New Minimum Wage making an effect in Arkansas

Courtesy of Google; Minimum Wage rises.

SEARCY, Ar. (LP) — There are many laws that affect the state of Arkansas and one of them just got passed, and it’s a very big change. Recently, Midterm elections just occurred in the state of Arkansas and there were three issues that were on the ballot to be passed or denied.

  • Arkansas Issue 5, Minimum Wage Increase Initiative
  • Arkansas Issue 2, Voter ID Amendment
  • Arkansas Issue 4, Casinos Authorized

Although, all of these issues were passed there is one that is making a difference in the community. The issue 5 of increasing the minimum wage was a big deal and still has been for awhile now. Some wanted it to pass and some didn’t want the issue to pass. The way the issue is working, in the year 2019 it’ll be $9.25 per hour. In 2020 it’ll be $10.00 per hour and in the year of 2021 it’ll be $11.00 per hour. There are many good things about this but a lot of bad things as well. Although, this will help out many people in our communities but it will still affect other people. One fact known, is with fast food restaurants offering more per hour now will attract more people to work there. This could affect skilled labor jobs, students of colleges and high school.

Here at the Searcy High School, I got with a teacher that gave their opinions about this topic. “I hope that ultimately it will be a good thing for Arkansas’s economy.  Many businesses in Arkansas are having to make choices, sometimes very difficult ones, in order to pay their employees more. I am hoping that over time, the economy will benefit in spite of any downfalls,” stated by an anonymous SHS teacher. Over the time, there will be some downfalls in the economy but the state of Arkansas can always find a way to get their self back up. One factor with the minimum wage raising is that prices will rise everywhere, at restaurants, stores just about anywhere that has to pay an employee for their work. “Prices could be affected due to employers having to pay employees more.” stated anonymous SHS teacher. “It will affect this generation greatly as many of you currently work minimum wage jobs.  Economic benefits will hopefully ultimately benefit your generation as well,” stated anonymous SHS teacher.

Courtesy of Google; Counties that passed the issue.

In the long run, it’s only time that will tell if this has benefited for the state of Arkansas. 

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