Why it’s hard for Special ed kids to get a job

SEARCY, Ar. (LP) — Special ed kids were not getting jobs and not getting treated fairly so we dug into it and ask some people about it so we interviewed two people Johanna Barker. Why do you think it’s hard for special ed kids to get a job?
“Well it’s hard for anybody to get a job you have to start somewhere and just having somebody to give you a chance to get experience can sometimes be hard for anyone you have to really utilize the skills that you learn at as far as being on time trying to pay attention listen to take advantage of the courses that are offered such as Oral Comm and College and Career Readiness and courses that help to prepare you for the future.” If you were the one doing the Interview with the kid if so would you give them a job. “Well it would depend on what their answers were and course any employer needs to be very personable and ask about interests and dislikes and to make sure that the job that they’re applying for fits them.” Why do you think about special ed kids not getting a job over there Disability?
“Well people shouldn’t disqualified from a job just because of their disability they might not be qualified in other ways but every employer should be equal opportunity and get to know the person first before they base the decision just on a disability everybody deserves a chance,” says Cindy Scallion. Why do you think it’s hard for special ed kids to get a job?  “Well I have to answer for that one is people out there are not educated about special needs people are not willing to do or don’t know about how to get along or to accept people with disabilities and then the second part parents have to push their kids to be able to get out and do things that can do or expose them to many different aspects, so they can choose an area that they like they would be willing to have a job.”  If you were the one doing the Interview with the kid if so would you give them a job. Cindy Scallion says, “If I had a person that was applying for a job that they can do I would higher them and give them a chance and since you asked me about a job a couple of friends and I always wanted to start a little restaurant that is run by special needs people and to do that you would have to have those are friendly and talkative to greet the people then you’ll need people that couldn’t do that so they can wash the dishes or they can make food you would need to place the person in the right place for them.”

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