STUDENT ANNOUNCEMENTSMonday • Sept. 16, 2019

PARKING: Students must have a parking permit to park on campus. If you do not have one you need to purchase one in the East office for $10 immediately. 

IMMUNIZATIONS :If you have not received your 2nd MCV4 (Meningitis) shot at the age of 16, you will be dropped on 10/1/2019.  All other shots must be up to date or an exemption letter received by 10/1/2019 also in order to avoid being dropped.


SPANISH FUNDRAISER: Our Fundraiser orders are due on September 17.  If you could help by selling one item, that would be AWESOME!!!  You can also set up an online order form for yourself and send it out to friends, family, etc.  They will pay with a credit card and the items will be delivered to their home.  It is super easy to do!!!  I set one up for myself to share with my family and friends.  Here is the link:


The Spanish Department Fundraiser Money is used for the following:

  • Paying registration fees for the Arkansas Foreign Language Festival for students who wish to participate
  • National fees for the National Spanish Exam which is given in the Spring.  Students can choose to take the NSE which is a contest.
  • Pay National Fees in order to have a Spanish Honorary.
  • Pay for supplies for Foreign Language Week in March.  We have a food day so that the students can taste foods typical of Spanish-speaking countries and France.
  • Buy supplies for classrooms that are not covered by our budget.  We purchase interactive games, readers, cultural videos, etc. to enhance the learning.
  • We also use the money for service projects in the community.  (Christmas for Kids, Christmas for Senior Citizens)
  • We have also used the money to help any of our Spanish students with school supplies, etc.

9TH GRADE PEP RALLY: There will be a 9th grade pep rally on September 19.


MAKE-UP/CLUB PICTURES will be September 25.


NATIONAL MERIT SCHOLARSHIP: Starting Monday 9/9/19, juniors interested in qualifying for the National Merit Scholarship may sign up in the Guidance Center for the PSAT/NMSQT.  The date for this year’s exam is Wednesday, Oct. 16, and the fee for this exam is $18 per student (students may pay with cash or check).  


HENDRIX: Any student who is interested in speaking with the Hendrix recruiter needs to sign up in the Guidance Center by September 19.   
THE SHS FOOD PANTRY IS OPEN!  Don’t go hungry over the weekend.  Talk to any teacher or come to Mrs. Edelmann’s room (204) or Mrs. Joyner’s room (321) to pick up a food pack. We have them ready for you!!


PARTNER CLUB: Come and see what the SHS Partner Club is all about at our meeting on Thursday September 19, 2019 at 7:30 in Mrs. Webb’s room!!


NHS: Next NHS Meeting – Tuesday September 17th at 7:35 in Mrs. Rose’s room.  Be on time.

FTA: Students may begin signing up for Future Teachers of America on Monday, August 19 in Mrs. Cook’s room, 110. Any student, grades 9-12, are welcome to join. Dues are $5.00. The first meeting will be Sept. 20th





9/16- SHS JV Football @ Little Rock Christian

9/16-  Harding Academy @ SHS Golf

9/17- SHS Volleyball @ GCT

9/17- SHS Golf @ Jonesboro

9/17- Wynne @ SHS Tennis

9/19- SHS Tennis @ Mtn. Home

9/19- SHS Volleyball @ Mtn. Home

9/19-  LR Parkview @ SHS Cubs Football

9/20- SHS Drama Tournament @ ASU Beebe




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