Valley Baptist Church Hosts Feed My Starving Children Mobile-Pack Event

Searcy, Ar. (LP) – “For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat.” – Matthew 25:35. Feed My Starving Children is a non-profit, Christian based, organization. In 2003, 16 years after the organization was founded, they rededicated to the Lord and placed all their needs on their faith in Him. Feed My Starving Children’s purpose is to eliminate malnutrition and starvation in children throughout the World. They are Christ-centered, but invite people of all faiths or no faith, to help participate in packing food packs. Gabby Langley, a volunteer that attended the FMSC mobile pack and a student at SHS says, “I love that Feed My Starving Children is based fully on Christ and how they focus on spreading the word while they help feed starving children. We prayed over the food multiple times and prayed for a safe delivery. It warms my heart to know that other people want to help others.” 

Keith and Tammy Bennett holding and filling the food packs.

To fill the packs one person held a bad under a funnel while two to four volunteers added the ingredients. You start with a small scoop of vitamins and another small scoop of vegetables. Next you add a large cup of soy and a large cup of rice. After the bag was filled with the ingredients, someone weighed it. The bag needs to weigh between 390 grams and 400 grams. Sometimes they can be under or overweight, so the volunteers would add or take away some rice. Then the filled bag was handed to a sealer. One volunteer held the bag under the heat sealer while another volunteer would push down on the sealer making sure the bag was closed properly. The sealer would then hand the sealed bag to the boxer who counted out twenty bags to place in each box. When a box was full, the boxer would lead our team in a chant to let everyone know we completed a box. Then a volunteer would carry it to the pallet. After that, they prayed over the food. 

Many people enjoy participating in this event. Tammy Bennett, a volunteer that attended the FMSC mobile pack says, “I love participating in this event and knowing that in just a short time, we are helping others. I do it because it is a way to serve others across the world right here in our town. It makes me thankful for all we have and grateful my children never had to wonder where their next meal was coming from.” Some children in the United States aren’t really grateful for what they do have and focus on what they don’t. Children in countries where we are sending the food packs, don’t have much and are so thankful for the bit of food they do get. We need to make sure no child gets unfed. 

The boxes packed up ready to be shipped.

Tammy Bennett says, “The Feed My Starving Children team is well organized. Everything is laid out and ready to go. You just follow the leaders instructions and everything goes smoothly. I only wish we could find a way to get more of our community involved. We always need more volunteers. The more we have, the more we can pack and the more children get fed for a year.” This process has blessed so many children and we want to bless more. With more volunteers, we can accomplish this. After you finish packing the food packs, you get this feeling in you feeling accomplished and amazing. “More volunteers helping will help more children get fed. With this we are one step closer to help end World Hunger. More students here in Searcy should definitely help out next time we host a Feed My Starving Children mobile-pack event,” says Gabby Langley.

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