Student Announcements 11-9-20



HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL TRYOUTS will be December 2nd, 3rd, and 4th (Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday) from 3:30-5:00 each day at the baseball field (in the case of rain or inclement weather tryouts will be moved to the indoor facilities on those days). 

Anyone who is interested in trying out needs to sign up with Coach Davis and/or Coach Gardner either during or after 8th period or via school email ASAP.


 SPRING CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT:ASU-Beebe will be on campus on November 10 to register our students for spring concurrent  enrollment classes.  ASU-Beebe is in the process of mailing out packets to students who are currently enrolled in concurrent classes this semester.  If students are not enrolled in concurrent classes this semester but plan on enrolling for the spring semester they need to contact the Guidance Center (Julia Roddy) to receive a packet to enroll.


 SHS FLU CLINIC:will be held November 12th. Information will be handed out October 26th. Virtual students may pick up packets at the East office.



ARKANSAS SCHOOL FOR MATH AND SCIENCES (ASMSA) will be visiting our campus in the Guidance Center, November 10th at 10:30 am. If any 9th and 10th grade students are interested in attending, please email Ms. Cleveland at



KEY CLUB:is sponsoring a Blood Drive Nov. 12 from 9:00 am – 2 pm. Now more than ever blood is needed. Students who are 16 or older and weigh at least 125lbs who are interested in donating need to ask their English teacher or Mrs. Butler for the form with a QR code to schedule their donation time. All donations will be tested for Covid -19 antibodies to identify potential convalescent plasma donors. Masks must be worn when donating and social distancing will be observed. All donors will receive a limited edition blood donor mask. All students need to turn in permission slips to donate by Nov. 10th


11/9- Jacksonville @ SHS  Lady Lions Basketball

11/10- Greene County Tech @ SHS Cubs Basketball

11/10- Rose Bud @ SHS Basketball 

11/12- Stuttgart @ SHS Basketball 


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