Teen Vaping

Vaping lungs courtesy of Google images.

Searcy, AR (LP) — Teen vaping, it is a bad habit that a lot of students not only at SHS struggle with but students all over the world. Vaping has become a huge issue that has evolved around the upper teens and upper adolescence generation. Vaping was a better way of smoking without actually smoking tobacco which is still found in vapes but not as harmful to the human body. Vapes started getting used by teens because of all the flavors they had. The more popular they got from teens, the more flavors were made from teens. Even though vaping does cause problems a lot of students find it as a coping skill for stress and to clear the mind.

David Landers, an assistant principal here at SHS deals with the vaping situations that go on around Searcy High School. He goes on to say, “Vaping is a bad habit. Even though I am no scientist, in my own opinion you see vaping and smoking are both multi-million dollar companies but if it has to come with a warning label then it’s probably something you shouldn’t put in your body.” When asked about if vaping may be a help for stress or if it may be the cause of it he says, “Yes, people probably do use a vape as a stress reliever however, vaping in school is against the rules.” Vapes are forbidden in school because legally you shouldn’t have one when you are only 18 and under. Vapes and smoking products can only be purchased by 21 year old and older. ”Since vapes in school are against the rules you will probably need to go to the bathroom or in a secluded area just to use it. Which means you will need to miss out on class time,” said Landers. You missing out on that seven to ten minutes of class can make you fall behind faster than you think. With also the distraction to go to the bathroom before. You can fall behind in class and waste 20 minutes right there. So why put all your focus on a vape.

Vape box courtesy of Google images.

After taking reports on ten students about how they feel about vaping, 7 out of 10 of them said that vaping isn’t as bad as people say it is. One unnamed student states, “Vaping has helped me focus more on school. I know it’s not good for my lungs but it helps me stay focused so I don’t go through a panic attack half way in class.” Even though that student has experienced a help in vaping to stop having panic attacks it shows in research that vaping can actually increase your chances of getting panic attacks. For the students that say it’s bad one goes on to say, “Vapes aren’t good for you. It is proven that nicotine can affect your IQ level , how you think , lower your test scores , affect sleeping schedules , and even affect your eating habits.” These are true facts that are all over the internet. Every student has their own opinion on what they think is right and wrong. But if the warning label is bigger than the actual name of something you should probably not put it in your body.

Vaping is something that every age group is introduced to and involved with. Mr. Landers has been working at the high school for a little over a month now and he has already dealt with two vaping situations. In the span of only dealing with one after working at the middle school for four years. It shows that the more upper teens are the ones in more contact with the vapes then a lot of the other age groups. All students have different opinions on what is good and bad about vaping and how it can affect or even put an impact on your life. If it has to come with a warning label then you should take more precaution into what you may put in your body.

Warning labels found on anything with nicotine courtesy of Google images.

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