Why is nutrition in schools important?

Searcy, AR (LP) – When Michelle Obama instituted her “Let’s Move” program in 2010 it got kids active from their bad eating habits. It raised awareness effort to improve the health of children. Nutrition wasn’t an issue back in 2003 where students had more options in what to eat. As long as they ate that’s all that matters. Now in 2021 schools have still interpreted a set of operations and processes involved in transforming raw materials into foods transforming nutrients into health outcomes. It’s a custom that schools have these in their nutrition system to prevent kids from bad eating habits. However this system does not prevent from students from bringing their own unhealthy food items. This includes candy, fruit snacks, pastries, pizza, hot pockets, and even popcorn. In short, students are going to eat what they want especially if they are influenced by other people. But there is a issue with nutrition and that’s the quantity of the selections provided by the school such as: a personal pan size of pizza, a portion of ice cream, small cup of grapes. If you take a ice cream lover like Kaysee Stockton this is a issue. She’s been in Searcy for most of her life and has witnessed a lot of changes in the Searcy School District. She said, “I would appreciate if the school served larger portions of ice cream. Also they should give more choices other than pizza because it can get old.”  Schools has always had a food pyramid of some sort that accumulates: grains, proteins, fruit and dairy. As for Searcy the choices were always on repeat. Monday you’ll have

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