Military Expo Educates!

Searcy, AR (LP)-Exciting things are happening at Searcy High School! The school created an opportunity for students to learn about different branches of the Military and how to join each of the many branches. This accommodated many students’ interests and even helped create an environment for them to ask questions and gain important information to hopefully create future Military Personnel. Recruiters made this event fun by providing challenges for students to win prizes.

The Marine Corps paid Searcy High students a visit.

Sergeant Littaker with the United States Marine Corps. Sergeant stated that what made him want to join the marines is that he knew it would be the most challenging branch. “I knew it would be able to push me past my limits and to see what my limits were.” Students may explore to find a healthy balance to pushing past limits they have set up for themselves and achieving more than they could ever imagine. Sometimes we set up limits which puts a barrier between achieving new goals and comfort. In that comfort we can get lost to what we can find change in and what we can accomplish to push towards new goals.

Sergeant Katude from the Air Force Preserve came to educate many potential members. She joined because she wanted to serve her country but also continue her life she built for herself instead of hitting pause on everything as a whole. “I think this is a great way to have a balance of doing a great duty for your country and also being able to carry out a family and even a second career.” She mentioned she had a family already and was a high school math teacher, so she serves as an example that you can do some sort of duty even if it’s not active. 

Chief Steven Bashir from maritime enforcement of US Coast Guard who dives deep into his reasoning of joining. “Hurricane Katrina hit the Coast of the Gulf and he saw how much of an impact it had on the community.” He highlights how he saw this unfolding on the News and seen helicopters pulling men and women off and saving them which sparked an interest in him to help when tragedies happen similar to Hurricane Katrina. Seeing Tragedies like the one he saw can make us empathize with those who are in the center of the circumstances. Helping those individuals can give us a purpose and motivation in addition to getting people to safety. This job is beneficial to both parties. Those who are thriving off of their helpful hand and those giving a hand

This gave the students an overall good understanding of the different job duties for each brand and what they specialize in. This was created in a positive environment with different small activities to encourage asking questions and gaining a good understanding of people’s backstory and inspiration that lead them to this job. Many were due to the love of their country and wanting to give back and a few due to some sort of inspiration that sparked something in them.

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