Students dream of fun spring break

As the weeks are counted down, students have begun planning for spring break.

” I have been planning my spring break since December, I’m looking forward to relaxing and visiting my family in Colorado,” said senior Kyle Hughes.

Many students will use this break to their advantage whether visiting family or sun bathing on the beach; regardless, it’s a break away from testing, homework and due dates.

“After the stress from taking the literacy exam I’m ready to enjoy sometime with my friends,” said junior Colby Wells.

Though spring break is highly anticipated precautions should also be taken.

“My parents aren’t letting me travel abroad mainly because of all the chaos that is happening over-seas especially in Mexico,” said senior Nick Richardson.

There are many activities students can partake in this Spring Break. Perhaps hit the gym or participate in some fitness classes at the local gym.

Some students plan on taking trips out of the state whether with family or friends.



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