Students tweet spirit week news

Students came together to create an unofficial spirit week during Homecoming Week.

The themed days were: Monday- Neon day, Tuesday- Nerd day, Wednesday- 50’s day, Thursday- Red and Black day, Friday- Dress-up day.

Since the only approved days are Thursday and Friday, students came together, with dress code- appropriate clothes, and created a fun week to support school spirit.

As the week goes on, more students decided to participate in the spirit week fun.

Junior and Jumpstart anchor Dylan Rohr came up with the themes for the days.

“I feel like it was expected since we couldn’t make it official. Someone had to step up and make the executive decision,” said Rohr.

The Jumpstart crew were the ones to make that decision because an official Spirit Week was not allowed.

“I couldn’t announce it on Jumpstart because the principals decided it would cause a distraction if it was an official Spirit Week,” said Rohr.

Word rapidly spread about the themes as did the excitement for the upcoming 2012 Homecoming game.

“I spread the word by posting on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and pictures. I also verbally told people and told everyone to spread the word,” said Rohr.

Students all over the school expressed their spirit with bright clothing, nerd clothes, poodle skirts, Searcy clothing, or formal outfits.

“It was fun to have a week to dress up with different themes and show my school spirit,” said spirit week participant and junior, Sadie Henson.

Henson loved seeing all the different costumes and outfits people chose.

Although dressing up was fun, students still had to follow the dress code because the days weren’t official.

Another spirit week participant, senior Neale Zeringue, dressed up every day to show his school spirit.

“I had to sort through all my clothes and borrow clothes from siblings to find clothes to fit the right time periods and themes. It was an adventure,” said Zeringue.

Zeringue explains that his favorite day of the week was Nerd day because it was funny seeing everyone’s outfits, “I found my suspenders, and I got my glasses as a kids meal toy.”

He also explains how he could not be on Jumpstart in costume, but he made sure to participate out of class.

The rules unfortunately limited the clothes we were allowed to wear, but they did not limit the fun all the participating students had with the costumes and spirit.

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